David Burns's Podcast

The Moated Stone

David Burns Season 1 Episode 1

King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone - If you are from the village of Ilton in Somerset, England then it is very likely that I already know you or the people you know. 

I decided to write about Wadhams Castle AKA Merryfield House and the historical Knightly deeds of King Arthur. Also acknowledging the philanthropist attributes of the Wadham family during their time at Wadhams Castle.  What else? Simply, I wanted to put Wadhams Castle back on the English map - it is a great place and it's where King Arthur became King of Wessex and then England.

What the historians say. Merryfield Castle is a moated site and its associated fishponds at Ilton are recommended for scheduling for the following principal reasons:

Survival: as a well-preserved example of a medieval moated site that is unencumbered by later development;

Potential: the survival of below-ground archaeology relating to the layout and type of structures that formerly occupied the moated island and waterlogged deposits have the potential to enhance our understanding of the construction, occupation and abandonment of the moated site;

Documentation: the existence of documentary evidence contributes to our knowledge of the site and its significance;

Historic interest: for its association since the C14 with the Wadhams, a wealthy and philanthropic family who founded Wadham College, Oxford in in the early C17.

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